Mental and Physical Health and Well- Being

Mental and Physical Health and Well-

Physical health is the ability to perform daily tasks and live comfortably in one’s
body kellergrain. This is achieved through a combination of proper nutrition, exercise and
adequate rest along with medical treatment when necessary.

The Link Between Mental Health and Physical Wellbeing | MyHealth1st
Mental health is the ability to think, communicate and learn in a healthy way. It also
affects how people react to stressors, engage with others and make choices. It is
linked with many other aspects of well-being including personal, emotional,
relationship and community well-being and contributing to the world in a positive
Psychological disorders may affect thinking, emotions, moods and behavior. They
can be diagnosed by a trained medical professional and may require medication,
therapy and/or counseling. They are grouped into a number of categories, according
to their severity and symptoms. The defining symptoms of each are described in the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) published by the
American Psychiatric Association.
Most of the defining symptoms are similar to those of other diseases or conditions.
Symptoms include a change in how you feel, think or act and distress that interferes
with your functioning at work, home or in society.
Several mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression, can be treated
with medications, behavioral therapies and/or psychotherapy. For most, recovery
can be a gradual process that involves learning new skills and ways of coping with
stressful events, and gaining more control over your life.

The Mental and Physical Health Benefits of Tai Chi | INTEGRIS Health
Being physically active is essential to good health, but most adults don’t move
enough. Most adults need to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity
or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, according to the
World Health Organization.
Regularly engaging in physical activity helps keep you healthy by strengthening
your heart and muscles and reducing your risk of chronic disease and obesity. It also
improves your flexibility and balance, helping you stay mobile and avoid falling or
getting hurt.
Be a role model for your kids
Children imitate adults’ habits, so it’s important to make sure you’re doing all that
you can to be physically active. Start adding physical activity to your own routine
and encourage your kids to join you.
Be a leader in your workplace or community
Being physically active can help you achieve other goals, like staying motivated to
go to work, being a good role model for your kids or reducing your stress levels. It
can also lead to a better work environment and a healthier work-life balance.
Set goals and track progress with a fitness app or notebook. Record everything you

do, from how often you exercise to how much you eat and when you sleep.
Hire a coach or trainer
A fitness consultant can help you reach your fitness goals. They can work with you
on a variety of areas, such as meal planning and dieting or helping you find the right
classes at the gym or a walking club in your area.
Fire a bad influence
There are lots of people in your life who can help or hurt you when it comes to
physical wellness, whether it’s the person at the grocery store or the CEO on your
board of directors. Identify those who drain your energy or don’t support you and
remove them from your life as soon as possible.